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Chester made show of breaking in and three speakers at once begged him to proceed: "How much of a book," he asked Mme. Castanado, "will the manuscript make? How long is it?" She looked falteringly to her husband: "'Tis about a foot long, nine inch' wide. Marcel, pazz that to monsieur." The husband complied. Chester counted the lines of one of the pages. Madame watched him anxiously.

"Under those present condition'," he said, with a wide gesture toward the remote miles of blazing harbor, "he could not honor a pazz two weeks ole. They would 'ave to rit-urn and get it renew'." "Oh! how? How hope to do so in all yonder chaos?

Against what contingency I could only ask myself and wonder, but I instantly decided to get him away from home and keep him away until the picnickers had got back and scattered. So I proposed a walk, a diversion we had often enjoyed together. "Yes?" he said, "to pazz the time whilse they don't arrive? With the greates' of pleasu'e!"

"And! you did not read it through together?" "No, there was no advantage to " "Oh! advantage! Mr. Chezter, to pazz the time Aline ought to 'ave tell you that bio-graphie, yes! of our marvellouz brother an' papa. Ah, you should some day egstort that story from our too li'l' communicative girl." "Why not to-day, for the book?" "Oh, no-no-no-no-o! We di'n' mean that!" The sisters laughed excessively.

Castanado had laid her hands tightly to her face. Yet now she smilingly dropped them, saying: "Seraphine Marcel please to pazz around that cake an' wine. Well, I su'pose there are yet in the worl' in Afrique Asia even Europe several kin' of cuztom mo' wicked than that. And still I'm sorry that ever tranzpire. But, Mr. Chezter, if you'll resume?" Hardy's incitements were no longer whispers.

"He's win the bet!" Constance flashed indignantly: "What has he bet?" "Bet. 'He has bet three-ee général' he'll pazz down Canal Street and through the middl' of the city, unreco'nize! And now he's done it, they'll let him do the rest!"

He lifted his tool for silence, and fresh anger wrung her soul to see joy mount in his eyes as from somewhere below the old coachman sang: "When I hands in my checks, O, my ladies!" Yet she showed elation: "That means Anna and Victorine they have pazz' to the boat?" With merry nods and airy wavings of affirmation he sang back, rang back: "Mighty little I espec's, O, my ladies! But whaheveh "

"That Yankee fleet it has pazz' those fort'?" she cried. "My dear young lady! By this time there ain't no forts for it to pass! When I left Fort St. Philip there wa'n't a spot over in Fort Jackson as wide as my blanket where a bumbshell hadn't buried itself and blown up, and every minute we were lookin' for the magazine to go!

Agcept!" came promptly from two or three. "Any oppose'? There is not any oppose' Seraphine Marcel you'll be so good to pazz those rif-reshment?" "Tis gone to the pewblisher?" M. De l'Isle, about to enter his double gate, had paused. In his home, overhead, a clock was striking five of the tenth day after that second reading in the Castanados' parlor. The energetic inquiry was his.