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Every way they are suit' to each other and we think if that poor old rue Royale con-tinue to run down, that will even be good to join those two businezz' together. And bisside', sinze a li'l' shaver Dubroca he ain't never love nobody else, only Mélanie. "But also De l'Isle, like Dubroca, he was always pretty glad of every egscuse to drop in there at Mme. Alexandre and pass word with Mélanie.

And you know we are without news of him sinze a month! He's promote'? He's decorate'?" "He's found a treasure. I think maybe you'll get his letter to-morrow. Me, I got mine soon; passing the post-office I went in and asked." "But how, he found a treasure? and what sort?" "He just happened to dig it up, in a cellar, in Rheims. He's betrothed. "Mélanie! What are you saying?" "What he says.

"No," Beloiseau rejoined, "tha'z only to signify that the editorial decision tha'z not decide'." Mlle. Corinne lifted both hands to the entire jury: "Oh, frien', I assure you, that manuscrip' is agcept'. And tha'z the proof; that both Yvonne and me we've had a presentiment of that already sinze the biggening! Ah-h-h!"

" Evva sinze de firze nighd w'en I big-in to nurze you wid de fivver." She was telling him, with that new, sweet boldness so wonderful to a lately accepted lover, how long she had loved him. Later on they parted at the porte-cochère. Honoré and Aurora had got there before them, and were passing on up the stairs.

All we want and we coul'n' make ourselv' the courage to ask you that, only we've save' you so large egspenses not asking you that already sinze twenty-thirty year' aggo we want you to put us in orphan asylum. We was af-raid at firz' he's goin' to be mad; but he smile very kine and say: 'Yes, yes; you want, like the good Lord say, to biccome like li'l' children, eh?

"Aline, we'll confess us! We wend there biccause we are orphan'! Of co'se, we know that biffo', sinze long time, many, many year'; but only sinze a few day' " "Joy-ride day," Aline put in, a bit tensely. "Ah, no! Chérie, you muz' not supose " "Never mind; 'last few days' go on." "Well, sinze those laz' few day' we bigin to feel like we juz' got to take step' ab-oud that!"

A single step away, in the door of the iron-worker's shop, Beloiseau, too quick for Chester, at whose elbow he stood, replied: "Tis gone better! Tis gone to the editor of the greatez' magazine of the worl'!" "Bravo! Sinze how long?" "A week," Chester said. "Hah! and his rip-ly?" "Hasn't come yet." "Ah, look out, now! Look out he don' steal that!

Aline, and none of them know that I know egcep' those Castanado'. "Well! sinze chilehood those three Mélanie, De l'Isle, Dubroca, they are playmate' together, and Dubroca he's always call' Mélanie his swit-heart. But De l'Isle, no.

Hilary Kincaid, listen-to-me-listen! You 'ave no right; no ri-ight to leave me! Ah, you shall not! No right ri-ight to leave yo' Flora sinze she's tol' you sinze she's tol' you w'at she's tol' you!" In this long history of a moment the blue skirmishers had not yet found Anna, but it was their advance, their soft stir at her back as they came upon their fallen leader, that had hushed her cries.

"Yes, he cou'n't tell anybody where to take him, and a doctor found that letteh on him print' outside with yo' uptown address; and so he put him in a cab an' sen' him yondeh, and sen' word he muz 'ave been sick sinze sev'l hours, an' get him in bed quick don't lose a minute." "And so he's in bed at my house!" I put in approvingly. "Ah, no!