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An', messieurs et mesdames, that is now the precise moment when that whole worl' is wile on that topique; friddom of citizen', friddom of nation', friddom of race', friddom of the sea'! And there is ferociouz demand for short storie' joint' on that topique, biccause now at the lazt that whole worl' is biccome furiouzly conscientiouz to get at the bottom of that topique; an' biccause those negro' are the lowez' race, they are there, of co'se, ad the bottom!"

All other outcries ceased half-uttered when the Chapdelaine sisters clapped hands for joy, crying: "Agcepted! Agcepted! Ah, Aline! by that kindnezz and sag-acitie of Mr. Chezter and all the rez' of our Royal Street frien' you are biccome the diz-ting-uish' and lucrative authorezz, Mlle. Chapdelaine!" M. De l'Isle's wrath was too hot for his tongue, but Scipion stood waiting to speak, and Mme.

All we want and we coul'n' make ourselv' the courage to ask you that, only we've save' you so large egspenses not asking you that already sinze twenty-thirty year' aggo we want you to put us in orphan asylum. We was af-raid at firz' he's goin' to be mad; but he smile very kine and say: 'Yes, yes; you want, like the good Lord say, to biccome like li'l' children, eh?

Firzt to find his way out of that is Mélanie. Mélanie's confessor he think tha'z a sin to keep any longer those fact' from her mother, and she confezz them to Mme. Alexandre, and ad the end she say: 'Mamma, in our li'l' coterie I cann' look anybody in the face any mo', and I'm going to biccome train' nurse.

'Twas one of those thing' what pro-juce' that saying that the truth 'tis mo' stranger than figtion. "Mr. Chezter, 'twas a wonderful! And what make it the mo' wonderful, my father he wasn' hunting for that, neither hadn' ever dream' of it. He was biccome very much a wanderer. One day he juz' chance' to be in a village in Alsace, and there he saw some chil'ren, playing in the street.

She's biccome an orphan. Hmm! Also the little beggar! she's married. Yes. To Charles Valcour. My God! I wish I was a man." "Leave the room!" But these were closed incidents when those befell which two or three final pages linger to recount. The siege of Spanish Fort was the war's last great battle.