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On the strength of this last circumstance, as is set forth in the published opinions, the highest Court of Appeals in New York has decided that it does not bring a man into discredit to say he is a 'shaver! thus making a conventional signification of the brokers of Wall street higher authority for the use of the English tongue than the standard lexicographers, and all the rest of those who use the language!

"I don't think I ever realized that before," said Van thoughtfully. "Why, even my father remembers when, as a little shaver, he used to have white sugar spread on his bread for a treat." "Seems queer, doesn't it?" Van mused. "Yes.

Anyway, you 'ain't yet told us his name, and how kin any little shaver walk which ain't got a name?" Jim took the mere little toy of a man again in his arms and held him close against his heart. "He 'ain't really got any name," he confessed. "If only I had the poetic vocabulary I'd give him a high-class out-and-outer."

I wake up in the night and the breeze brings it in the window and it puts me to sleep like an old song my mother used to sing when I was a little shaver " He stopped short. "I didn't mean to snivel, sir." "I understand, my friend. No apologies are necessary." "And that big scuppernong grape vine out there in the garden I couldn't sell that. I planted it fifteen years ago.

Some time or other, though, this young shaver shall come along with me when one of the new ships goes out from the dockyard for her steam trials; and then, perhaps, he will be able to have everything explained to him properly, without boring you or bothering me." "How jolly!" ejaculated Bob. "I should like that."

So you won't bring him down this mornin'?" "Well, we'll tell 'em," agreed the disappointed Lufkins. "What time do you think you'll fetch the little shaver, then, this afternoon?" "I guess about twelve," said Jim. "How's he feelin'?" inquired the carpenter. "Wal, he don't know how to feel on Christmas yet," answered the miner, evasively. "He doesn't know what's a-comin'."

"Your quinine would be of no earthly use to me, but I've already taken it this morning. I've got some here in my pocket. The minute my bag comes I'll go to bed if you don't mind." Someone fumbled at the handle of the door, and Tony, followed by William, appeared on the threshold. Hugo Tancred opened his eyes. "Hullo!" he said. "Do you remember me, young shaver?"

Big splendid John who had only been a little shaver when he went to Pebbly Pit to work. "Oh John! Cain't you-all drop back and tell your Paw what ails me?" shouted Jeb, certain that John, who had been to college, could do anything. John dropped behind his companions, and Sam Brewster hurriedly explained that Jeb seemed to have a queer belief that he would be done for if he remained at Pebbly Pit.

"Well, it didn't seem as if it was enough to lay him off duty," responded the man, as he regarded Miss Ruth with friendly gaze; "he's a knowin' little shaver, the Major is, and great on tryin' to help me." "Are you the friend that he calls Old G. A. R.?" inquired Miss Ruth, with sudden intuition, as she smiled back into the weather-beaten face. The old soldier chuckled.

As Wagner had reached this point in his meditations, he stopped at the door of a barber shop of mean appearance the pole, with the basin hanging to it, denoting that the occupant of the place combined, as was usual in those times, the functions of shaver and blood-letter or surgeon.