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"He is the kindest the best of human beings!" said Camilla, rather evasively, but with more warmth than usually dwelt in her soft and low voice. "Is he so kind?" returned Spencer, musingly. "Well, it may be so. And who would not be kind to you? Ah! it is a beautiful connexion that of brother and sister I never had a sister!"

"A right smart heap o' a bunch; bin a pickin' o' 'em up ever since we left Charlotte," I returned evasively. "They be dandies ter fight, an' I reckon as how ye kin use 'em, can't ye?" "Maybe; who did ye want ter see?" "Wal, they sed as how a feller named Lowrie wus a runnin' this yere gang, an' if thet 's ther way o' it, I reckon as how it's Lowrie we 're after. Be you Lowrie?" "Naw."

He held up a specimen of his own irregular hand, beside the elegant penmanship of the note, and Larcher had to admit himself a humbug as a graphologist. "But," he demanded, "did my description happen to fit that particular man Francis Turl?" "Oh, more or less," said Davenport, evasively, as if not inclined to give any information about that person.

Bailey away from the club-house because you were afraid there would be blows?" "The situation was unpleasant," Halsey said evasively. "At that time had you any suspicion that the Traders' Bank had been wrecked?" "No." "What occurred next?" "Mr. Bailey and I talked in the billiard-room until two-thirty." "And Mr. Arnold Armstrong came there, while you were talking?" "Yes.

She realized that he was still goodlooking, still a gentleman, a man of culture and even talent, young enough to move the world, and almost as young in appearance as herself; for mental anxiety and care of any kind always showed directly in her mobile features, and she was already beginning to track a few grey hairs and a few unbecoming wrinkles. "There's another reason," she said evasively.

"Why not?" aggressively. "I trust you do not share Barbara's suddenly developed prejudice against the good doctor." "I do not require a physician," she said evasively. "I am well." McIntyre regarded her vexedly. He could not decide whether her flushed cheeks were from fever or the result of exertion or excitement. Excitement over what?

"I know what you're working so extra hard for," she told Jerome one day, with wistful, keen eyes upon his face. "I've always worked hard, haven't I?" he said, evasively. "Yes, you've worked hard, but this is extra hard. Jerome Edwards, you think, maybe, if you can earn enough, you can marry her by-and-by." Jerome colored, but he met his sister's gaze freely. "Well, suppose I do," said he.

All this time 'Lena had no suspicion of his presence, but she wondered at the many luxuries which surrounded her, and once, when Mrs. Aldergrass offered her some choice wine, she asked who it was that supplied her with so many comforts. Aunt Betsey's, forte did not lay in keeping a secret, and rather evasively she replied, "You mustn't ask me too many questions just yet!"

When the train which bore them away steamed out he asked his wife, with a pride that time justified by deeds: "Are you satisfied with me?" "I am satisfied that we have left Rome," said she, evasively, and it was true in two senses of the word: First of all, because she did not delude herself with regard to the return of the moral energy of which Boleslas was so proud.

"Is she not my cousin?" answered Maurice, evasively. "Have I no right to show her affection? Must I renounce the ties of blood?" "It is not you, Maurice, whom I blame," said the countess, trying to speak less sternly. "It is Madeleine, who should not have permitted this unmeet familiarity. I well know by what arts she has lured you to forget yourself. The fault lies with her."