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As she spoke she earnestly considered the large head, wedged between the shoulders as if a giant's hand had pressed it down, the masterful nose, the keen grey eyes, and the cynical lips; and in that moment determined to make him Ada's husband. Yet he was the last man she would have chosen for a son-in-law. A loafer and a vagabond, he spoke of marriage with a grin.

It was the brightest young dream that was ever busted by a fat loafer in brass buttons. Then I saw Ole Skjarsen and had my one big inspiration. "Excuse me," I said, rushing over to Pubby, "but you'll have to mosey right out of here. There's Ole Skjarsen, and he looks ugly." "Oh, my word!" said Pubby; he remembered Ole from the night before.

The bidding ran rapidly up to three hundred and fifty dollars. The crowd were growing excited, and had been joined by every child in the town, by every draggled and sunburnt woman, and the drinking-bar had disgorged every loafer who felt sober enough to stay the distance to the centre of the square. My own first feelings of curiosity had subsided.

Queensland's greatest want to-day is population: Men and women to develop our great natural resources, to go out into our country districts as farmers, dairymen, or fruit-growers not to stick in our towns, but to become primary producers, workers, home-builders not the scourings of big cities, the dissatisfied, the loafer, but the honest worker whose wish is to make a home for himself and his family.

"I had no idea you were a genius. Why, it's lovely!" He smiled a little. "I did it for a living once, before my father died and left me enough to buy me bread and cheese. I became a loafer then, and I've been one ever since." "But what a pity!" she exclaimed. His smile broadened. "It is, isn't it? But where's the sense of working when you've nothing to work for? No, it isn't the work of a genius.

The London loafer has little wit or imagination, and their comments did not rise above the stale inquiry as to where we kept our bombs, and the equally original advice bestowed upon Kosinksi to get 'is 'air cut. A half-hour's walk brought us to our destination, but our Odyssey was not so soon to end.

But I do ask you to believe that I have them, that they are real, and that my being what you termed ambitionless and a country loafer is not my condition from choice. It is my right to insist upon your believing that. Do you believe it?" At last I had made an impression. My earnestness seemed to have shaken her contemptuous indifference.

Seeing him move, a loafer, crouching in the shadow of the station, slunk reluctantly into the open and offered to procure him a fiacre; but the boy's shake of the head was determined, and, crossing the road, he turned to the left, gazing up with eager interest at the many hotels that rub shoulders in that uninteresting region.

It all goes to show that if we are awake four times as long as usual, we do not make up for it by sleeping four times as long, but four times as soundly, as customary. The hard-working mechanic requires no more hours of sleep than the corner loafer, the active man of affairs no more than the dawdler. The time of tissue repair is about the same with all men under all conditions.

I found that he was very poor, because he was a writer with principles and preferred starving his body to starving his conscience; that he gave time and earnest work to the spreading of Socialism, spending night after night in workmen's clubs; and that "a loafer" was only an amiable way of describing himself because he did not carry a hod.