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Rudimentary likeness between the frame of the ape and that of man seems hardly in itself a proof of the generation of man from the ape. On no subject, however, does one who is not a man of science or a philosopher feel more intensely his deficiency, and his need of having his paths lighted by the perfectly free while reverent inquiry, to pray for which has been the object of these letters.

His eyes were fixed upon a large photograph of a man which hung in a massive oak frame above the bench where Old Hans rolled cigars into shape. The photograph was old and faded, and the written inscription beneath it was scarcely legible. The gaze of the Young Comrade was wistful and reverent. "Tell me about him, Hans," he said at last. Old Hans stopped humming and looked at the Young Comrade.

Bowing humbly and with a most reverent obeisance, for he was still the great man of the county, though he had not been in our town for years, I asked his pardon for my intrusion, and then drew back to let him pass. But he stopped and gave me a keen look, and speaking my name, said: "You are married, are you not?"

Well, all the others fell from grace however. And so, toward morning, for some reason or other, I went all to pieces. I got so sad and full of pity from looking at these unhappy women. I also thought, now, of how our sisters enjoy our regard, love, protection; how our mothers are surrounded with reverent adoration.

Canon Pascal bared his head, as if he had been entering his beloved Abbey in Westminster. "God is very glorious!" he said, in a low and reverent tone. "God is very good!" In silence they sauntered on, with loitering steps, to the little cemetery, where lay the grave they had come to seek.

Their great difficulty has been, that the destruction of the reformed church in France took out of the country entirely that element of religious rationalism which is at once conservative and progressive. There are three forces which operate in society: that of blind faith, of reverent religious freedom, and of irreverent scepticism.

I love you because you are You, not because you are here. I must be loved in the same way, always." She looked at me now silently, and I leaned and kissed her full on the mouth. She did not rebel or draw away, but there was that on her face, I say, which left me only reverent. Her hand fell into mine. We sat there, plighted, plighted in our rags and misery and want and solitude.

I heard the rumor, but thought it idle folly." Peter Burkgmäier crossed the room and opened a deep cupboard. "You shall see it," he said simply, "and answer for yourself. No one in Nuremberg is more fit to judge." Then, lifting out something wrapped in a heavy cloth, he carried it to the table, unveiled it with a reverent hand, and, stepping back, waited in silence for a verdict.

Springing up he put on coat and hat, gathered up with reverent touch the bits of things he had found, locked his cabin and went out to Billy, a lump of sugar in his hand. "Billy, old fellow, we're under orders to march again," he said apologetically, and Billy answered with a neigh of pleasure, submitting to the saddle as though he were quite ready for anything required of him.

Then she added, in a lower tone, "I'd give the hair off my head to be able to make such music as that, either with my hands or with my voice." Jarvis, smiling to himself, unperceived touched one fair strand with a reverent hand. "I wouldn't give," said he, "even for such magnificent music as that, so much as that one curl over your right ear if another wouldn't grow there in its place."