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The unresponding Doctor closed his eyes in unutterable weariness of the innocent young gentleman's prepared speeches. "Yesseh. 'Tis a beaucheouz notiz. I fine that w'itten with the gweatez accu'acy of diction, in fact. I made a twanslation of that faw my hant. Thaz a thing I am fon' of, twanslation.

"An' honness weight!" said Narcisse, planting his empty cup in his saucer, with the energy of his asservation; "an', Mr. Bison, thass a ve'y seldom thing." "Yayss," assented Reisen, "ovver tat prate is mighdy dtry, undt shtickin' in ten dtroat." "No, seh!" said the flatterer, with a generous smile. "Egscuse me I diffeh fum you. 'Tis a beaucheouz bwead. Yesseh.

He cast his eye around upon the prevailing hair-cloth and varnish. "Misses Witchlin, I muz tell you I like yo' tas'e in that pawlah." "It's Mrs. Riley's taste," said Mary. "'Tis a beaucheouz tas'e," insisted the Creole, contemplatively, gazing at the Pope's vestments tricked out with blue, scarlet, and gilt spangles.

"I tell you 'ow 'tis with me, Mistoo Itchlin, I've p'oject that manneh myseff; in weading a book w'en I see a beaucheouz idee, I juz take a pencil" he drew one from his pocket "check! I check it. So w'en I wead the same book again, then I take notiz I've check that idee and I look to see what I check it faw. 'Ow you like that invention, eh?"

Also, Voltaire. Yesseh. An' Napoleon Bonaparte. Lawd By'on muz 'ave 'ad a beaucheouz chi'og'aphy. 'Tis impossible not to be, with that face. He is my favo'ite poet, that Lawd By'on. Moze people pwefeh 'im to Shakspere, in fact. Well, you muz go? I am ve'y 'appy to meck yo' acquaintanze, Mistoo Itchlin, seh. I am so'y Doctah Seveeah is not theh pwesently.

And out of every garden came the voices of little children at play, the blessedest sound on earth. "O Mary, Mary! why should two lovers live apart on this beautiful earth? Autumn is no time for mating. Who can tell what autumn will bring?" The revery was interrupted. "Mistoo Itchlin, 'ow you enjoyin' yo' 'ealth in that beaucheouz weatheh juz at the pwesent? Me, I'm well.