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From the foregoing it is sufficiently evident that those who buy soap to sell again have every reason to keep a sharp lookout on those who furnish them with soap. Polyt. Notiz. By C. HUSSON. M. Meynet, in a remarkable report upon condensed milk, has raised a question which it is important to have solved in the interests of infants.

The unresponding Doctor closed his eyes in unutterable weariness of the innocent young gentleman's prepared speeches. "Yesseh. 'Tis a beaucheouz notiz. I fine that w'itten with the gweatez accu'acy of diction, in fact. I made a twanslation of that faw my hant. Thaz a thing I am fon' of, twanslation.

An' thass one thing I 'ave notiz about young ladies: they ah juz like those bird'; in summeh lookin' cool, in winteh waum. I 'ave notiz that. An' I've notiz anotheh thing which make them juz like those bird'. They halways know if a man is lookin', an' they halways make like they don't see 'im! I would like to 'ite an i'ony about that a lill i'ony in the he'oic measuh.

Chester and her guide hardly spoke until Scipion asked: "Madame, when you was noticing yo' telegram on the desk of yo' son you di'n' maybe notiz' a letter from New York? We are prettie anxiouz for that to come to yo' son. I do' know if you know about that or no, but M. De l'Isle and madame, and Castanado and his madame, and Dubroca and his madame, and Mme.

"Yes!" exclaimed Narcisse, delighted at the unusual coincidence, "at the same time 'tis the tooth! In fact, why should I tell a lie about such a thing like that? 'Twould be useless. Pe'haps you may 'ave notiz, Mistoo Itchlin, thad the noozpapehs opine us fiahmen to be the gau'dians of the city." "Yes," responded Richling. "I think Dr. Sevier calls you the Mamelukes, doesn't he?

"Very simple," said Richling, with an unpleasant look of expectancy. "Mistoo Itchlin," resumed the other, "do you not fine me impooving in my p'onouncement of yo' lang-widge? I fine I don't use such bad land-widge like biffo. I am shue you muz' 'ave notiz since some time I always soun' that awer in yo' name.

"Doctah Seveeah," said Narcisse, suddenly, as he finished sticking with great fervor the postage-stamps on some letters the Doctor had written, and having studied with much care the phraseology of what he had to say, and screwed up his courage to the pitch of utterance, "I saw yo' notiz on the noozpapeh this mornin'."

And Mélanie she say tha'z one cause that she was wanting De l'Isle to see that play; biccause sinz lately she's notiz he's make himseff very complimentary also to mademoiselle, and she, Mélanie, she want' him to notiz how that way he's in danger to make mizunderstanding and diztress to himseff and all concern'.

"I fine that ve'y d'oll, Doctah Seveeah," concluded the unaugmented, hanging up his hat; "some peop' always 'ard to fine. I h-even notiz that sem thing w'en I go to colic' some bill. I dunno 'ow' tis, Doctah, but I assu' you I kin tell that by a man's physio'nomie. Nobody teach me that. 'Tis my own ingeenu'ty 'as made me to discoveh that, in fact." The Doctor was silent.

"Whenever you move," she said, "you'll have to leave this delightful little garden behind; it won't fit out of these quaint surroundings." "Ah! We won't want that any mo'!" They pressed on. "That 'ouse acrozz street," said Mme. De l'Isle, "I notiz there the usual sign." "Ah, yes, yes! 'For Sale or Rent'; tha'z what always predominate' in that poor vieux carré. But here is my sizter. Corinne, Mrs.