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But that's much the same, I suppose." "Same thing," replied the Creole. "We combad the fiah fiend. You fine that building ve'y pitto'esque, Mistoo Itchlin?" He jerked his thumb toward the prison, that was still pouring forth its clouds of impish wings. "Yes? 'Tis the same with me.

Jacques Ferrand, already completely under the charm, but not wishing to awaken the suspicions of Cecily, said to her, in a cross tone, that she was a fool to have such fears; but he promised that the next day the bolt should be arranged. The Creole did not go to bed. In the morning the notary came to instruct her as to her duties.

Frowenfeld dismounted. "Do we part here?" asked the Creole. "Well, Mr. Frowenfeld, I hope to meet you soon again." "Indeed, I thank you, sir," said Joseph, "and I hope we shall, although " The Creole paused with a foot in the stirrup and interrupted him with a playful gesture; then as the horse stirred, he mounted and drew in the rein.

A very nice item of disbursements to present to the owners-a premium paid for the advanced civilization of South Carolina! We have merely noticed the imprisonment of John Paul, our limits excluding the details. We must now turn to a little, pert, saucy French boy, eleven years old, who spoke nothing but Creole French, and that as rotten as we ever heard lisped.

There is one huge fellow among them who looks capable of any villany. He finds something to mount on, and, in the Creole patois, calls a general halt. Bienvenu sinks down, and, vainly trying to recline gracefully, resigns the leadership. The herd gather round the speaker; he assures them that they have been outraged. Their right peaceably to traverse the public streets has been trampled upon.

Towers, "that the young lady has so very dark a look; but I assure you she is not a creole." Tears started into Miss Arden's eyes, and her cheeks were tinged with a deep blush. Mrs. Towers now made another very low curtsey, with "a good morning, ma'am; I have several visits to pay in this neighbourhood." As she passed the young lady, she whispered something respecting mixture and composition.

From Cadiz we sailed in company with the frigates La Gloire and La Medee and two steam corvettes which we had found there, and reached Cape Saint Antonio, the most westerly point of Cuba, after a thirty-six days' passage. Once there, the admiral took all the water and provisions out of the Gloire and the Creole, and sent us to revictual at Havana, while he went on his way to Mexico and Vera Cruz.

Lorraine opened his eyes with sudden wonder, and exclaimed: "Well, that's the latest thing out! Who is the fortunate lady who has bound you with her silken fetters? Is it one of those beautiful Creole girls who were visiting Augustine's plantation last winter? I watched you during our visit there and thought that you could not be proof against their attractions. Which is your choice?

They had turned into the rue Bienville, and were walking toward the river, Frowenfeld in the midst of a long sentence, when a low cry of tearful delight sounded in front of them, some one in long robes glided forward, and he found his arm relieved of its burden and that burden transferred to the bosom and passionate embrace of another we had almost said a fairer Creole, amid a bewildering interchange of kisses and a pelting shower of Creole French.

Whenever two tongues come to be spoken in the same area one of them is sure to be more useful in business than the other. Every French-Canadian who wishes to do things on a large scale is obliged to speak English. So is the Creole in Louisiana; so earlier were the Knickerbocker Dutch in New York.