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Is. ch. 40, 48:20-21; Dan. 9:20; Ps. 137. The rebuilding of the temple and of the wall. The different sins rebuked by Malachi. From Malachi to The Birth of Christ. No Scripture. The Close of the Old Testament History. We now come to the close of Old Testament history and prophecy. Ezra and Nehemiah were at Jerusalem, one the governor and the other the priest of the people.

149. +Proverbs 2:20-21 may be the passage Arnold has in mind, although the language differs: "That thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous. / For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it." One of the central devices in Proverbs is the metaphor of the "path" of uprightness, folly, etc. King James Bible. 150. +Romans 1:18.

If she had succeeded in her purpose, it is exceedingly doubtful whether any Power could have prevented her from exercising a free hand in the whole world. Berlin, 1915; pp. 20-21: "From the very commencement Berlin was convinced that the probability of a combined Franco-Russian attack was exceedingly small, if England's entrance to this Germanophobe combination could be prevented.

Meanwhile on August 18 the town of Aerschot had been the scene of a bloody engagement and was occupied and partly destroyed by the Germans. The occupation of Brussels followed on August 20-21 and the German line of communications was kept open by a line of occupied towns. After overwhelming the Belgians the Kaiser's great advance army swept quickly into deadly conflict with the allies.