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Meantime the first fleet of the Company, consisting of fourteen vessels under command of Admiral Wybrand van Warwyk, sailed before the end of 1602, and was followed towards the close of 1603 by thirteen other ships, under Stephen van der Hagen? The equipment of these two fleets cost two million two hundred thousand florins.

One expedition sent out by two Amsterdam companies under the command of Jacob van Neck and Wybrand van Waerwyck was very successful and came back in fifteen months richly laden with East-Indian products. The year 1598 was one of great commercial activity.

Meantime the first fleet of the Company, consisting of fourteen vessels under command of Admiral Wybrand van Warwyk, sailed before the end of 1602, and was followed towards the close of 1603 by thirteen other ships, under Stephen van der Hagen? The equipment of these two fleets cost two million two hundred thousand florins. From the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce 1609

Meantime the first fleet of the Company, consisting of fourteen vessels under command of Admiral Wybrand van Warwyk, sailed before the end of 1602, and was followed towards the close of 1603 by thirteen other ships, under Stephen van der Hagen? The equipment of these two fleets cost two million two hundred thousand florins. From the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce 1609

She died at the age of eighty; her husband afterward became the drawing master of Princesses Mary and Anne, daughters of James II; he died July 23, 1690, aged seventy-five years. In 1730 there was born of poor fisher parents at Jelst a child named Wybrand Lokes.

Of this fleete was General and Admirall Master Iacob Neck, Viceadmirall Wybrand van Warwick: and Rereadmirall Iacob Heemskerck. With this fleet of eight ships we made saile from Texell the first of May 1598.

The sea-power of the Dutch republic was already a formidable factor which had to be reckoned with and which was destined to be decisive. The East-India Company was no sooner founded than active steps were taken to make full use of the privileges granted by the Charter. A fleet of 17 vessels was despatched in 1602 under Wybrand van Waerwyck.