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As I was finishing my meal, a middle-aged woman whom I knew came down the car towards me. She had evidently not recognised me. 'How do you do, Miss Kate? I accosted her. It was the younger of Vicary's two maiden sisters. I guessed that the other could not be far away. She hesitated, stopped, and looked down at me, rather as the negro had done.

It was replete with the usual quaint Vicary details such as the solemn warning whisper of an equerry in Vicary's ear as he walked backwards, 'Mind the edge of the carpet'; and we all laughed, I absently, and yet a little hysterically all save Vicary, whose foible was never to laugh.

I was only opening the door for Sybil, she still-feels rather faint!" It was about a week after this episode that Miss Mitchell, who was keen on nature study, took the Fifth form for a botanical ramble. They started punctually at two o'clock, so as to be back as soon as possible after four, on account of Beata Castleton and Fay Macleod, who must not keep Vicary's car waiting.

"I suppose you'll all be weekly boarders?" ventured Mavis, when Fay had finished her communications. "No, we're to be day-girls. Six of us from Chagmouth are joining in a car and motoring every morning and being fetched back at four ourselves, Nan and Lizzie Colville, and Tattie Carew. It will be rather a squash to cram six of us into Vicary's car! We've named it 'the sardine-tin' already.