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"They might just think we are responsible," Ali pointed out. "But I see your point. If we do pack him back to the Queen and he doesn't make it, they might say that we fired his rockets for him. All right, boys, let's up-ship he doesn't look too good to me." With a torch-bearing Salarik boy as a guide, they hurried along a path taking in turns the burden of the stretcher.

If you up-ship within a reasonable amount of time, I'll be inclined to let it pass. After all I've no desire to run all the way to the nearest Patrol post to report you " "You can't expect to buck Inter-Solar. We'll make you an offer " That was Kallee's contribution, made probably because his commanding officer couldn't find words explosive enough.

The Solar Queen would be paid off with a pittance, under the vague threat of Company retaliation she would up-ship from Sargol, and they would be left in possession of the rich Koros trade to be commended and rewarded by their superiors. Had they, Dane speculated, ever had any dealings with Free Traders before at least with the brand of independent adventurers such as manned the Solar Queen?

He had no reason to believe Jellico was willing to agree to this. "You have two weeks' planet-side leave coming, Thorson. If you want to spend it on Khatka...." Jellico actually grinned then. "I take it that you do. When do we up-ship, sir?" "You said that you must wait for the return of your other crew members shall we say mid-afternoon tomorrow?"

Kallee replied: "We'll take up your contract, at a profit to you, and you up-ship before the Salariki are confused over whom they are to deal with " "And the amount of profit?" Van Rycke bored in. "Oh," Kallee shrugged, "say ten percent of Cam's last shipment " Jellico laughed. "Generous, aren't you, Eysie?