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He found it perfectly simple, by means of the treacled cardboard which he carried, to force in the pane noiselessly. He pushed aside the blind, and crept within the room. So simple was it to violate the will of a dead man, and the solemnly affixed seals of his executor! He had arranged that the pane should be replaced before dawn, and the new putty darkened to match the rest.

Besides these, there was a long row of boys waiting, with countenances of no pleasant anticipation, to be treacled; and another file, who had just escaped from the infliction, making a variety of wry mouths indicative of anything but satisfaction.

Thus, and not in treacled cadences, intrigued Mariar and Sir Thomas in the back alley. "Do you like it here?" asked the doctor. "Yop. But sometimes I feel wasted " "You don't look wasted " "No " after a hasty glance in the wall mirror. "Don't you get sick of the sight of food?" "Here, oh, no! I don't know any lovelier sight than our kitchens yes, yes, sir, I'll get your pied frotatoes at oneth."

"Well, you know, Nursey, the other day when I said I didn't like bread-and-treacle treacled so long before, and soaked in, and you said I ought to be thankful that I had bread-and-treacle at all, and that I hadn't a wooden leg, and to eat anything I could get, like the old sailor man at the corner; well, do you know, I've thought of something I am so thankful for, and that is that I haven't a red screen to my bed."