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At times came the news that the Czar had been inspired by Providence to inaugurate some new and important reform, only to be followed by the announcement that Satan had held a conference with his Imperial Majesty, and that the reform had fallen through. All such information was carried into Togarog by word of mouth, for few of the good moujiks could read the papers.

Finally, he stopped and stood before the obsequious Basilivitch. "We will find a plan to humble the haughty race," he said. "Return to Togarog and keep your eyes open. Make out a list of the Jews in the village, and find out exactly how many boys there are in each family, and what are their ages.

The narrow Jewish quarter became animated, and a company of Russian soldiers, led by the Elder of the village and followed by a group of ragged urchins, marched with martial tread through the crooked lane. "Soldiers!" cried Mordecai and his wife, in one breath. "God help us, they will quarter them on us!" It was the advance guard of the great army that had entered Togarog.

Should any new symptoms of revolt show themselves, send me word at once." Scarcely had the door closed upon Basilivitch, before the Governor rang for his Secretary. "Send two officers to Togarog at once," he commanded. "It appears my good serfs are becoming unruly, and would like a taste of freedom.