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Howard could sing, he could even play the guitar. But to sing at Hobbs' Lodge, to sing to the accompaniment of Mrs. Tiddy, to have his gentle tenor crushed to death in a glee by the heavy splayfoot of Mr. Tiddy's manly bass the thought was insufferable! He faltered forth assurances of his ignorance, and hastened to bury his resentment in the retirement of a remote sofa.

Clarence asked for her, as people so often do ask your questions for you if you only give them time. "Dinner-party, is it?" "Tiddy," said John dryly, "is making himself useful." "That is nothing at all new in Tiddy's life," said Gail's cousin. "People who dwell about Gail do. Am I to understand that he is chief cook and bottle-washer?" "You are," said John.

Howard could sing, he could even play the guitar. But to sing at Hobbs' Lodge, to sing to the accompaniment of Mrs. Tiddy, to have his gentle tenor crushed to death in a glee by the heavy splayfoot of Mr. Tiddy's manly bass the thought was insufferable! He faltered forth assurances of his ignorance, and hastened to bury his resentment in the retirement of a remote sofa.

Gail referred to Tiddy's desertion with her usual note of indolent amusement it did not occur to Joy till years later that Gail might occasionally pretend a superiority to such things as annoy other girls and summoned another man from the city for week-ends. Tiddy was indigenous to the soil.