United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I never believe much what I hear said by a man's VIOLENT FRIEND, or VIOLENT ENEMY, I want to hear what a disinterested man has to say now, as a disinterested man, I say if the members of the House of Assembly, instead of raisin up ghosts and hobgoblins to frighten folks with, and to shew what swordsmen they be, a cuttin and a thrustin at phantoms that only exist in their own brains, would turn to, heart and hand, and develope the resources of this fine country, facilitate the means of transport promote its internal improvement, and entourage its foreign trade, they would make it the richest and greatest, as it now is one of the happiest sections of all America I hope I may be skinned if they would'nt they would I swan.

"I had an immediate notion that the thing for me to do was to go over to the hotel, an' sit in the shade there, an' study the inhabitants a while, an' get the gauge of 'em, an' learn their manners an' customs, before harshly thrustin' myself into their bosoms, so I went an' did it; but Sammy proceeded immediate to visit their homes with the 'Wage of Sin' in one hand an' the torch of culture in the other.

Please!" she entreated. "I don't, dear. It wasn't yer fault. It was yer mother's." "My mother's?" "That's what I said. It's all in the way, we're brought up what we become aftherwards. Yer mother, raised ye in a hot house instead of thrustin' ye out into the cold winds of the wurrld when ye were young and gettin' ye used them.