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In another part of this work I have given an account of an old woman watching by a grave with this intention; I have frequently however seen their sorcerers fulfil this duty; and the following extract from Mr. Threlkeld's Vocabulary will show the prevalence of this custom on the eastern side of the continent:*

It was needful to remove the young Baron as far as possible from the suspicion of the greater part of Sir Lancelot Threlkeld's household, and the present resting- place, within a walk of his castle, was therefore unsafe; besides that, freebooters might be another danger, so near the outskirts of the wood, since the northern districts of moor and wood were by no means clear of the remnants of the contending armies, people who were generally of the party opposite to that which they intended to rob.

However, we did it all and came down to Threlkeld of the Bridal of Triermain, "'The King his way pursued By lonely Threlkeld's waste and wood, "in good time for me to dress and, for a wonder, go out to dinner with Acland's friends the Butlers." As an episode in this visit to Keswick, ten days were given to the neighbourhood of Ambleside, "to show Downes Windermere." "Waterhead, Windermere,

That this veneration for certain pieces of quartz or crystal is common over a very great portion of the continent is evident from the following extracts from Threlkeld's Vocabulary, page 88: Mur-ra-mai: The name of a round ball, about the size of a cricket-ball, which the Aborigines carry in a small net suspended from their girdles of opossum yarn.