Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: October 17, 2024
There is no course left but to run for it; if he is accompanied by natives they will be sure to give the alarm, crying "Tauoca!" and scampering at full speed to the other end of the column of ants.
As we were going along, I heard the twittering of some dull-plumaged birds in the bushes, and was trying to get a shot at them, when I saw John, who was a little way ahead, jumping about in the most extraordinary manner. Duppo cried out, on seeing him, "Tauoca!" and made a sign to us to run off, himself setting the example. John followed. "I have been attacked by an army of ants," he exclaimed.
The Ecitons are called Tauoca by the Indians, who are always on the look-out for their armies when they traverse the forest, so as to avoid being attacked. I met with ten distinct species of them, nearly all of which have a different system of marching; eight were new to science when I sent them to England.
The natives, on seeing them, cry out, "Tauoca" the name which they give to the ecitons and scamper off to a distance. The only way of getting rid of them is to pluck them out one by one; but so securely do they fasten themselves to the skin, that their head and jaws are left sticking to it.
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