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Madden's thin undershirt clung sweatily to the muscular ridges down his back and moulded the graceful deltoid at the shoulder. Madden pushed back his figures as Gaskin entered with a tray. The cook's face was scarlet and dripping. "How much provisions have we on board, Gaskin?" "Another month's supplies, sir most of the stores was on the Vulcan, sir." Gaskin was dignified even in the heat.

He had been full of the delusions of spontaneity and inspiration, like all laymen, and all artists, too, except those of the higher ranks those who have fought their way up to the heights and, so, have learned that one does not achieve them by being caught up to them gloriously in a fiery cloud, but by doggedly and dirtily and sweatily toiling over every inch of the cruel climb.

The scent of the air, its sickly sweetness, had entirely passed as he breathed under the mask. He returned to his pack and fastened it up. Then he reslung it upon his shoulders. When he passed from the summit of the hill the mask that was to serve him when the danger line was reached had been removed. Steve laboured on sweatily. He had halved the weight of his pack.

We bolted the big gates behind us; we sweatily piled up sufficient bricks to make its opening a matter of minutes for an enemy's hand, and then we once again trotted forward. This time we were irrevocably inside the Legation, and separated, perhaps, for good and all from our own people....