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The silver, when apprehended, is not apprehended as something 'inexplicable, but as something real; were it apprehended under the former aspect it could be the object neither of erroneous nor of sublative cognition, nor would the apprehending person endeavour to seize it.

When we form the sublative judgment 'this is not silver, the sublation is founded on an independent positive judgment, viz. And, further, there is really no possibility of sublation, since the word 'that' does not convey the idea of an attribute in addition to the mere substrate.

In the case of the double moon, on the other hand, the defect of vision on which the erroneous appearance depends is not the object of the sublative art of cognition, i.e. the cognition of the oneness of the moon, and it therefore remains non-sublated; hence the false appearance of a double moon may persist. Up. This opinion is contradicted by the sastras. Su.

Ajnana which has the character of a positive entity cannot be destroyed by knowledge; just because it is a positive entity, like jars and similar things. But, it now may be said, we observe that fear and other affections, which are positive entities and produced by previous cognitions, are destroyed by sublative acts of cognition! Not so, we reply.