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I'm going to take you into the woods, and we'll walk and walk until we come to the city I told you about that's all gold and diamonds, and we'll live there for the rest of our lives, and no one will be able to hurt us. But you must keep very quiet. He went to the stable-gate and looked out. Then he gave a little whistle to me to come after him. And we started out to find the city.

'He dined in town yesterday, and drove down in the phaeton by himself, said Tiffey, 'having sent his own groom home by the coach, as he sometimes did, you know 'Well? 'The phaeton went home without him. The horses stopped at the stable-gate. The man went out with a lantern. Nobody in the carriage. 'Had they run away?

'Across the field across the field -cut them off! I could hear it so plainly; and I saw the stable-gate was open, and they went through, and I could hear them galloping on the grass. And then I knew what was happening; and I went back to my room and shut the door." Isabel stopped again; and Anthony took her hand softly in his own and stroked it. Then she went on.

"Well, leave her there," answered Max, promptly. "She'll come out when you've all gone, and I'll send her about her business." Max saw, as he spoke, that there was a man standing at a little distance just outside the stable-gate, whom he did not recognize. Before he could ask who he was, however, the man had disappeared from view.