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He said he could furnish the "plain" article at 20 cents a foot; "coppered," 25 cents; "zinc-plated spiral-twist," at 30 cents, that would stop a streak of lightning any time, no matter where it was bound, and "render its errand harmless and its further progress apocryphal."

By actual count, the lightning struck at my establishment seven hundred and sixty-four times in forty minutes, but tripped on one of those faithful rods every time, and slid down the spiral-twist and shot into the earth before it probably had time to be surprised at the way the thing was done.

I said apocryphal was no slouch of a word, emanating from the source it did, but, philology aside, I liked the spiral-twist and would take that brand.

I said apocryphal was no slouch of a word, emanating from the source it did, but, philology aside, I liked the spiral-twist and would take that brand.

He said he could furnish the "plain" article at 20 cents a foot; "coppered," 25 cents; "zinc-plated spiral-twist," at 30 cents, that would stop a streak of lightning any time, no matter where it was bound, and "render its errand harmless and its further progress apocryphal."

By actual count, the lightning struck at my establishment seven hundred and sixty-four times in forty minutes, but tripped on one of those faithful rods every time, and slid down the spiral-twist and shot into the earth before it probably had time to be surprised at the way the thing was done.

Stranger, my duty is accomplished; if the recalcitrant and dephlogistic messenger of heaven strikes your " "There, now, there," I said, "put on the other eight add five hundred feet of spiral-twist do anything and everything you want to do; but calm your sufferings, and try to keep your feelings where you can reach them with the dictionary.

Stranger, my duty is accomplished; if the recalcitrant and dephlogistic messenger of heaven strikes your " "There, now, there," I said, "put on the other eight add five hundred feet of spiral-twist do anything and everything you want to do; but calm your sufferings, and try to keep your feelings where you can reach them with the dictionary.