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By this Herstal token, which is now blazing abroad, now and for a month to come, it can be judged that the young King of Prussia intends to stand on his own footing, quite peremptorily if need be; and will by no means have himself led about in Imperial harness, as his late Father was. All the more indubitably, when that spade-work comes to light in the Wesel Country.

"Now, look yar, Geo'ge, dis won't do. I say it once and for all dis won't do." "I know it won't, Peter," replied the almost heart-broken middy, with a sad smile, "you're very kind. I know you take an interest in me, and I'll try to do better, but I'm not used to spade-work, you know, and "

Her hope lay in women workers; they made better pioneers than men, and as they were under no suspicion of being connected with the Government, their presence was unobjectionable to the natives. They could move into new spheres and do the spade-work; enter the homes, win a hearing, guide the people in quiet ways, and live a simple and natural life amongst them.

"Much obliged to you," said Brent. "There's a lot of spade-work to do yet." He was thinking over the best methods of further attempts on that spade-work, when, late that evening, he received a note from Queenie Crood. It was confined to one line: To-morrow usual place three urgent Q. Brent went to bed that night wondering what it was that Queenie Crood wanted.