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Talia mirantibus inculcans passionem septem dormientium, et habitudines corporum singulorum, quas nulla docet litera, ita prompte disseruit: ac si cum eis quotidiano victitaret contubernio. His auditis, comes militem, episcopus clericum, abbas monachum, ad veritatem verborum exsculpendam, Manicheti Constantinopolitano imperatori misere, adiectis regis sui literis et muneribus.

Augustine, as if it signified that no men are saved except those whose salvation he wills, or as if he would save non singulos generum, sed genera singulorum. But I would rather say that there is none whose salvation he willeth not, in so far as this is permitted by greater reasons.

In all resolutions relating to the fundamental laws, the organic regulations of the confederation, the jura singulorum and matters of religion, unanimity was required. All the members of the confederation bound themselves neither to enter into war nor into any foreign alliance against the confederation or any of its members.

This I have elsewhere called the spirit of Socinianism, which may work in many whose tenets are anti-Socinian. Law is 'conclusio per regulam generis singulorum in genere isto inclusorum'. Now the extremes 'et inclusa' are contradictory terms.