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The Shebbel, or Barbary salmon; different characters of exports of the Northern and Southern provinces. The Elæonderron Argan. Various trees and plants. Mines. The Sherb-Errech, or Desert-horse. Division of Morocco into kingdoms or States, and zones or regions. Description of the towns and cities on the Maroquine coasts of the Mediterranean and Atlantic waters. The Zafarine Isles. Melilla.

Some abound with fish, particularly the Shebbel, or Barbary salmon. It is neither so rich nor so large as our salmon, and is whitefleshed; it tastes something like herring, but is of a finer and more delicate flavour. They are abundant in the market of Mogudor. The Shebbel, converted by the Spaniards Sabalo, is found in the Guadalquivir.

The Shebbel, or Barbary salmon; different characters of exports of the Northern and Southern provinces. The Elæonderron Argan. Various trees and plants. Mines. The Sherb-Errech, or Desert-horse. The empire of Morocco may be considered under two aspects, as to its extent, and as to its influence.

It was captured by the Spaniards in 1614, and retaken by the Moors in 1681. The Corsairs formerly took refuge here. It is now a weak and miserable place, commanded by an old crumbling-down castle. There are five or six hundred fishermen, occupying one hundred and fifty cabins, who make a good trade of the Shebbel salmon; it has a very small garrison.

Azamor contains now about eight or nine hundred inhabitants, but formerly was much more populated. The Shebbel salmon is the principal commerce, and a source of immense profit to the town. The river is very deep and rapid, so that the passage with boats is both difficult and dangerous. It is frequently of a red colour, and charged with slime like the Nile at the period of its inundations.