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Truly after Khipil's punishment there were few in the dominions of Shahpesh who sought to win the honours bestowed by him on gabblers and idlers: as again the poet: When to loquacious fools with patience rare I listen, I have thoughts of Khipil's chair: His bath, his nosegay, and his fount I see, Himself stretch'd out as a pomegranate-tree.

When Khipil had paraded a short space he stopped quickly, and said to Shahpesh, 'Here is, as it chanceth, a gap, O King! and we can go no further this way. Shahpesh said, 'All is perfect, and it is my will thou delay not to advance. Khipil cried, 'The gap is wide, O mighty King, and manifest, and it is an incomplete part of thy palace.

And Khipil went in that state described by the poet, when we go draggingly, with remonstrating members, Knowing a dreadful strength behind, And a dark fate before. They came to the gardens, and behold, these were full of weeds and nettles, the fountains dry, no tree to be seen a desert. And Shahpesh cried, 'This is indeed of admirable design, O Khipil!

Khipil plucked a handful of the nettles that were there in the place of flowers, and put his nose to them before Shahpesh, till his nose was reddened; and desire to rub it waxed in him, and possessed him, and became a passion, so that he could scarce refrain from rubbing it even in the King's presence.

Then said Shahpesh, 'O Khipil, I see no distinction between one part and another; excellent are all parts in beauty and proportion, and there can be no part incomplete in this palace that occupieth the builder four years in its building: so advance, do my bidding.

Shall we merit the punishment of Shahpesh the Persian on Khipil the builder, while the Event is mastering?