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Not the meaning we intend, but some meaning. When Paul made the gobbledygook speech, they all reacted in the same way frightened, and then defensive. The you-me routine simply bewildered them, as we'd be at a set of semantically lucid but self-contradictory statements. When Lillian tried to introduce herself, they were shocked and horrified...."

"Then Hot Rod is " Quickly he stopped and rephrased the statement which would have had a question in its tone but not its semantics, into a question that would read semantically. "Is Hot Rod pulling us north?" "No-o-oo," came the reply. Carefully. "Is Hot Rod pulling us?" "No-o-oo." Mike was stumped. Then he figured a literalness in his phrasing.

Gavran Sarn exceeded his Paratime permit, and took one of his pets along. A Venusian nighthound." Tortha Karf's expression did not alter; it merely grew more intense. He used one of the short, semantically ugly terms which serve, in place of profanity, as the emotional release of a race that has forgotten all the taboos and terminologies of supernaturalistic religion and sex-inhibition.

Signal reactions. Only Paul Meillard made the semantically appropriate response: "What do you mean, Mark?" "They don't hear sound; they feel it. You all saw what they have inside their combs. Those things don't transmit sound like the ears of any sound-sensitive life-form we've ever seen. They transform sound waves into tactile sensations." Fayon cursed, slowly and luridly.

Verkan Vall made a small sound of impatience. "No such thing!" he exclaimed. "It's semantically inadmissible to talk about the total presence of time with one breath and about generating new time-lines with the next. All time-lines are totally present, in perpetual co-existence.

And have you seen the telecast we've been using a view of it, with a semantically correct spoken paraphrase?" Lancedale nodded. "And I've also noticed that those posters have been acquiring different obscene crayon-drawings, too. That's just typical of the short-range Joyner-Graves mentality. Why, they've made more votes for Pelton than he's made for himself.