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My deafness gives me more than a sufficient time for self-conversation; and I have found great advantages from it. My brother and Lady Stanhope are at last finally parted.

Lord Shaftesbury recommends self-conversation to all authors; and I would recommend it to all men; they would be the better for it.

My deafness gives me more than a sufficient time for self-conversation; and I have found great advantages from it. My brother and Lady Stanhope are at last finally parted.

Let us hope everything will be all right, and then " A loud knock at the door interrupted Girdel's self-conversation, and upon a hasty "Come in," Bobichel entered the room. "Well, Bobi, how goes it?" asked the athlete. "She is downstairs," said the clown, with a significant gesture.

Some people have not time, and fewer have inclination, to enter into that conversation; nay, very many dread it, and fly to the most trifling dissipations, in order to avoid it; but, if a man would allot half an hour every night for this self-conversation, and recapitulate with himself whatever he has done, right or wrong, in the course of the day, he would be both the better and the wiser for it.

Lord Shaftesbury recommends self-conversation to all authors; and I would recommend it to all men; they would be the better for it.

Some people have not time, and fewer have inclination, to enter into that conversation; nay, very many dread it, and fly to the most trifling dissipations, in order to avoid it; but, if a man would allot half an hour every night for this self-conversation, and recapitulate with himself whatever he has done, right or wrong, in the course of the day, he would be both the better and the wiser for it.