Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: November 17, 2024
Red Gap itself was mad about it last winter, when it got a taste of the big-league stuff. Next winter I'll try to get the real sporting spirit into this gang of sedentaries up here; buy 'em uniforms and start a winter-sports club. Their ideal winter sport so far is to calk up every chink in the bunk house, fill the air-tight stove full of pitch pine and set down with a good book by Elinor Glyn.
All these Nations are sedentaries, and live upon corn and other grains, by hunting and fishing, which is plentifull, and by the ragouts of roots. There were many destroyed by the Iroquoits, and I have seen most of those that are left. The names of the Nations that live in the North: Chisedeck. Nipifiriniens. Piffings. Bersiamites. Tivifeimi. Malhonniners. Sagfeggons. Outimaganii. Afinipour.
It indicates, therefore, the man's habits and his mode of life. If he has sat all day with one leg lapped over the other, arm on chair, head on hand, listening or studying preachers, professors, and all the other sedentaries sit like this then the thigh shrinks, the muscles droop, the bones of the ankle bulge, and the knee-joints push through.
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