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Sydney Smith humorously described "those Irish Protestants whose shutters are bullet-proof; whose dinner-table is regularly spread out with knife, fork, and cocked pistol; salt-cellar and powder-flask; who sleep in sheet-iron nightcaps; who have fought so often and so nobly before their scullery-door, and defended the parlor passage as bravely as Leonidas defended the pass of Thermopylae."

"Now, gentlemen and my lord, if Jennings did not go that way, nor the kitchen-way neither for he always was too proud for scullery-door and kitchen and if he did not give himself the trouble to unfasten the dining-room or study windows, or to unscrew the iron bars of his own pantry, none of which is likely, gentlemen there was but one other way out, and that way was through Bridget Quarles's own room.

"Now, gentlemen and my lord, if Jennings did not go that way, nor the kitchen-way neither for he always was too proud for scullery-door and kitchen and if he did not give himself the trouble to unfasten the dining-room or study windows, or to unscrew the iron bars of his own pantry, none of which is likely, gentlemen there was but one other way out, and that way was through Bridget Quarles's own room.

It seems to me that the next incident was the composite and shattering collision of Robert, Julia and myself in the scullery doorway, followed by the swift closing of the scullery-door upon us by Julia; then the voice of the Dean of Glengad, demanding from the house at large an explanation, in a voice of cathedral severity.