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Shadwell's The Scowerers, Act i, I: 'Every one in a petticoat is thy mistress, from humble bulker to haughty countess. Bailey has: 'Bulker, one that would lie down on a bulk to any one. A common Jilt. A whore. Swift, A Tale of a Tub, Section II, has: 'They went to new plays on the first night, haunted the chocolate houses, beat the watch, lay on bulks. p. 279 Tubs.

Amorous Bigot, with the second part of Teague O Divelly, a Comedy, acted by their Majesties servants, printed 1690 in 4to. dedicated to Charles earl of Shrewsbury. The Scowerers, a Comedy, acted by their Majesties servants, and printed in 4to. 1690. The Volunteers, or the Stock-Jobbers, a Comedy, acted by their Majesties servants, dedicated to the Queen by Mrs. Anne Shadwell, our author's widow.

"Hate it! Why ?" "Why?" reiterated Hortense. "Why, when a king, who is too busy to sign death-reprieves, may spend the night hunting a single moth from room to room of the palace? Why, when ladies of the court dress in men's clothes to run the streets with the Scowerers? Why, when a duchess must take me every morning to a milliner's shop, where she meets her lover, who is a rope-walker?

Different generations have different ways of taking their pleasure, and the youth of King Charles's day were alternately bullies on the street and dandies at the feet of my lady disdainful. At the approach of the shouting, night-watchmen threw down their lanterns and took to their heels. Street-sweeps tossed their brooms in mid-road with cries of "The Scowerers! The Scowerers!"