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She had given ungrudgingly, unfaltering, and there was no shadow of regret in her eyes; it was nothing to her that he should care for this other little body, for bare white shoulders and a fluff of yellow hair. He had never been more to her than a means to an end, and he was to be that now. She took a tram from the Piazza del Popolo to the Rotonda.

A layer of wadding between the fur and the covering adds warmth, and makes the circular mantle called a rotonda set properly.

Lessingham, Eleanor, and Cecily went to the Vatican. Where also was Mallard. He had visited the chapel, and the Stanze, and the Loggia, and the picture-gallery, not looking at things, but seeming to look for some one; then he came out, and walked round St. Peter's to the Museum. In the Sala Rotonda he encountered his friends. They talked about the busts.

I was never there at night." "I will go there at night," she said briefly. "Ah you would have it lit up with torches, as they do the Coliseum?" "No. Is there no moon in Italy, professore?" "The moon, there is. But there is such a little hole in the top of the Rotonda" that is our Roman name for the Pantheon "that it would be very dark." "Precisely," said she.

Here in this mighty tomb, which is known in Ravenna as La Rotonda, abandoned now in an unkempt garden, Theodoric, who expected to found a line of kings who would one day lie beside him; as long as he lay there at all, lay there alone. Not for long, however, did he enjoy that solitude. Already, when Agnellus wrote his Liber Pontificalis, the tomb was empty.