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The same man, wishing to take a grass farm which the people hoped the agent would consent to have "cut up" was asked to give two names on a promissory-note to pay the rent. He demurred to this, and after a parley said, "Would a certificate do?" upon which he pulled out an old tobacco-box, and carefully unfolded from it a bank certificate of deposit for a hundred pounds sterling!

It consists partly in a debt which bears, or is supposed to bear, no interest, and which resembles the debts that a private man contracts upon account; and partly in a debt which bears interest, and which resembles what a private man contracts upon his bill or promissory-note.

Before going to bed, I play or sing, for half an hour or so, to make all sleepy, and, about eleven, retire to write a little while in my journal, exercises on what I have read, or a series of characteristics which I am filling up according to advice. Greek, French, Italian, metaphysics, and private authorship pretty well for a miss in her teens, and surely a promissory-note on the bas bleu joint-stock company! a note which she discharged in full when it became due.

If I had some of the doctor's money in my pocket, I should have given away five-pound notes. 'You contented yourself, said Munden, laughing, 'with giving a promissory-note for the whole legacy. 'Yes; but try to understand. Emma came up to my room at supper-time, and as usual we talked. I didn't say anything about my uncle's death yet I felt the necessity of telling her creep fatally upon me.