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Further, he assumes that the individual mind is somehow, in a way which it is not his province to inquire into, one and the same throughout, and so on. The doctrine of evolution, too, in so far as scientific that is, aiming at giving an account of the historical and pre-historical developments of the collective mind in time agrees with psychology in making like assumptions.

Why! you can almost read the history of the geological world from yesterday this morning as it were beginning with the super-surface on top and going right down through the different layers and stratas through the vanished ages right down and back to the pre-historical to the very primeval or fundamental geological formations!"

But the greatest curiosity in the collection was that of three portraits belonging to the pre-historical age, and, according to mythical tradition, taken by the orders of a philosopher, whose origin and attributes were as much mixed up with symbolical fable as those of an Indian Budh or a Greek Prometheus.

John Lubbock published, after these sheets were written, an able paper on the Danish "Shell-mounds" in the October number of the "Natural History Review" 1861 page 489, in which he has described the results of a recent visit to Denmark, made by him in company with Mr. In addition to the peat-mosses, another class of memorials found in Denmark has thrown light on the pre-historical age.

Passing by such trivial contrivances as wings, which every schoolboy knows has been tried and found wanting, from the mythical or pre-historical period, I proceed to that very delicate question, urged of late as essential to the perfect happiness of our human species by the two most disturbing and potential influences on upper-ground society, Womankind and Philosophy. I mean, the Rights of Women.