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Updated: January 21, 2025
And the Plt. claims L. 5000. Mr. Compton conveyed a copy of this to Alfred, and said it was a sweet "declaration." "What," said Alfred, "is that all I have suffered at these miscreants' hands? Why, it is written with an icicle." Mr. Compton explained that this was the outline: "Counsel will lay the colours on in court as thick as you like."
Ucaqkoggwx. "Plt. ecii. pv. oa. t1vp. uysaa. djt. xru. przvf. 4. "Nvnntltmms. Pvvvdnzzpn. ycyswsa. Bpix. uyyuqecgsqa. X. W. ljfh. sc. jvtzfhdvb. "I can't make head or tail of them," I said when I had looked carefully at each, and endeavoured to unravel its secret, for obviously it must possess some secret meaning. "What do you make of them, Dick anything?" "Yes.
"I agree with you that the usual course by praying the Court of Chancery for a Commission de Lunatico Inquirendo, is timorous, and rests on prejudice. Plt., if successful, is saddled with his own costs, and sometimes with Deft.'s, and obtains no compensation.
And for a further Plea the Deft, says that before and at the time of the alleged imprisonment Plt, was a person of unsound mind and incompetent to take care of himself and a proper person to be taken care of and detained and it was unfit unsafe improper and dangerous that he should be at large thereupon the Deft, being the uncle of the Plt. and a proper person to cause the Plt. to be taken charge of under due care and treatment in that behalf did cause the Plt. to be so taken charge of and detained under due care and treatment, &c. &c.
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