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"Pig-metal," mumbled the reporter, "um! coal facilities, um! hands employed, twelve hundred, bitumen, um! all right, I believe, Mr. Clarke; sinking-fund, what did you say was your sinking-fund?" "Twelve hundred hands?" said the stranger, the young man who had first spoken. "Do you control their votes, Kirby?" "Control? No." The young man smiled complacently.

Not one of themselves, they felt that, though outwardly as filthy and ash-covered; silent, with foreign thoughts and longings breaking out through his quietness in innumerable curious ways: this one, for instance. In the neighboring furnace-buildings lay great heaps of the refuse from the ore after the pig-metal is run.

Not one of themselves, they felt that, though outwardly as filthy and ash-covered; silent, with foreign thoughts and longings breaking out through his quietness in innumerable curious ways: this one, for instance. In the neighboring furnace-buildings lay great heaps of the refuse from the ore after the pig-metal is run.

"Pig-metal," mumbled the reporter, "um! coal facilities, um! hands employed, twelve hundred, bitumen, um! 'all right, I believe, Mr. Clarke; sinking-fund, what did you say was your sinking-fund?" "Twelve hundred hands?" said the stranger, the young man who had first spoken. "Do you control their votes, Kirby?" "Control? No." The young man smiled complacently.

The charge of a puddling furnace, consisting of 500 pounds of pig-metal and eighty pounds of "fix," produces with coal fuel 490 to 500 pounds of iron. With gas for fuel, it is claimed that the same charge will yield 520 to 530 pounds of iron.