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=The common tomato= of our gardens belongs to the natural order Solanaceae and the genus Lycopersicum. The name from lykos, a wolf, and persica, a peach, is given it because of the supposed aphrodisiacal qualities, and the beauty of the fruit.

Twenty thousand Persians and fifty thousand Egyptians lay dead on the blood-stained sea-sand. The wounded, drowned, and prisoners could scarcely be numbered. Ktesias, Persica 9. In ancient history the loss of the conquered is always far greater than that of the conquerors. Psamtik had been one of the last to fly.

One fruit-tree, regarded as indigenous in the country, acquired a special celebrity, and was known to the Romans as the persica, whence the German Pfirsche, the French peche, and our "peach." Citrons, which grew in few places, were also a Persian fruit.

They are ranked among the four lesser hot seeds, but are scarcely otherwise made use of than as an ingredient in the theriaca. Lewis's Mat. Med. AMYGDALUS Persica. ALMONDS. Flowers.

The damson, which used in the Middle Ages to be called the "damascene," was called in Latin prunum damascenum, or "plum of Damascus." The name peach comes to us from the Late Latin word pessica, which was a bad way of saying "Persica." Currants used to be known as "raisins of Corauntz," or Corinth raisins. Parchment gets its name from Pergamum, a city in Asia Minor.