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Then the leak, too, that has to be caulked; and, un- less it is stopped up very effectually, we shall only be doomed most certainly to perish at sea. Don't then, be deceiving yourself; it must be three weeks at least before you can ex- pect to put out to sea.

"What are our joys but dreams? and what our hopes But goodly shadows in the summer cloud?" JAMES did not improve as was hoped. Month after month passed away, and brought no pros- pect of returning health.

The poor wretch's symptoms were precisely such as to lead us to sus- pect that he had taken some corrosive poison. Of course it was quite out of our power to administer any antidote; all that we could devise was to make him swallow something that might act as an emetic. I asked Curtis for a little of the lukewarm water.

"No-o-o," said Mary Jane doubtfully, "maybe I wouldn't. Only I 'pect I'd like it after it was done." "Well," said Mrs. Merrill laughingly, "if you don't want a doll dress any more than that, you don't want one very badly that's certain!

This was happily placed with Mr. W. W. Pect, treasurer of the Board of Foreign Missions at Stamboul, to be used subject to our order; and with our concurrence it was employed in the building of little houses in the interior, as a winter shelter and protection, where all had been destroyed.