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See J.B. Soalhat, Les Idées de Maistre Alebrand de Florence sur la Puériculture, Thèse de Paris, 1908. Hesiod, Works and Days, II, 690-700. This has long been the accepted opinion of medical authorities, as may be judged by the statements brought together two centuries ago by Schurig, Parthenologia, pp. 22-25.

It would imply a considerable knowledge of modern languages and of the classics; a liking for mathematics and physics, especially all that related to electricity and magnetism; a fancy for the occult sciences, if there is any propriety in coupling these words; and a whim for odd and obsolete literature, like the Parthenologia of Fortunius Licetus, the quaint treatise 'De Sternutatione, books about alchemy, and witchcraft, apparitions, and modern works relating to Spiritualism.

V. The same author's Parthenologia is devoted to the various ancient problems connected with the question of virginity.

It would imply a considerable knowledge of modern languages and of the classics; a liking for mathematics and physics, especially all that related to electricity and magnetism; a fancy for the occult sciences, if there is any propriety in coupling these words; and a whim for odd and obsolete literature, like the Parthenologia of Fortunius Licetus, the quaint treatise 'De Sternutatione, books about alchemy, and witchcraft, apparitions, and modern works relating to Spiritualism.

Adler discusses the sexual secretions in women and their significance, Die Mangelhafte Geschlechtsempfindung des Weibes, pp. 19-26. In some parts of the world this is further aided by artificial means. I have been told of an English bride who was instructed by her mother to use a candle for the same purpose. Parthenologia, pp. 302, et seq.