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There were also on the lower lands, a few dark uncovered patches, looking, when viewed from the hills, like islets in an extensive sea. Vegetation seemed labouring to commence, and a few tufts of the saxifraga oppositifolia, when closely examined, discovered some signs of life.

By the 20th of June, the land in the immediate neighbourhood of the ships, and especially in low and sheltered situations, was much covered with the handsome purple flower of the saxifraga oppositifolia, which was at this time in great perfection, and gave something like cheerfulness and animation to a scene hitherto indescribably dreary in its appearance.

Of these only the two former were seen in the spring, and by far the greater number killed were of the first-mentioned species. They usually had in their maws the leaves of the Dryas Integrifolia, buds of the Saxifraga Oppositifolia, Salix Arctica, and Draba Alpina, the quantities being according to the order in which the plants have here been named.

It grows best in bog earth. ROSA rubiginosa. SWEET BRIAR. This lovely and highly extolled shrub has long claimed a place in our gardens. We have several varieties with double flowers, which are highly prized by the amateurs of gardening. SAXIFRAGA umbrosa. LONDON PRIDE. -A beautiful little plant for forming edgings to the flower garden, or for decorating rock-work. SAXIFRAGA oppositifolia.