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At the other end of the tableland, between Rouen and Dieppe. The Seven of Hearts. IX: Holmlock Shears Arrives Too Late. The Gruchet, Montigny, Crasville burglaries? In the midst of the Caux country. Where was Lupin going when he was attacked and bound hand and foot, in his compartment by Pierre Onfrey, the Auteuil murderer? To Rouen. The Seven of Hearts. IV: The Mysterious Railway-passenger.

Next day, let us not despise the advantages of judicious advertising, the `Echo de France' published this sensational item: "Yesterday, near Buchy, after numerous exciting incidents, Arsene Lupin effected the arrest of Pierre Onfrey. The assassin of the rue Lafontaine had robbed Madame Renaud, wife of the director in the penitentiary service, in a railway carriage on the Paris-Havre line.

"Imbecile!" I exclaimed. With one hand, I parried the attack; with the other, I gave him a sharp blow on the carotid artery. He fell stunned! In my pocketbook, I recovered my papers and bank-notes. Out of curiosity, I took his. Upon an envelope, addressed to him, I read his name: Pierre Onfrey. It startled me. Pierre Onfrey, the assassin of the rue Lafontaine at Auteuil!

Between ourselves, considering what my friends must now know, my visit is postponed indefinitely. A cruel disillusion for them! At six o'clock I was in Paris. The evening newspapers informed me that Pierre Onfrey had been captured at last.

Pierre Onfrey, he who had cut the throats of Madame Delbois and her two daughters. I leaned over him. Yes, those were the features which, in the compartment, had evoked in me the memory of a face I could not then recall. But time was passing.