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There are traces of it in the Eastern tribes; but it is in its Western form that it is best known it is explicit among the Western Algonkins and the Siouan tribes, and on the Northwest Pacific Coast. The spirit is, as a rule, independent of the clan totem is found, indeed, in nontotemic tribes; it is often identical with the eponymous animal of some religious society.

The history of the dog in North America, however, is suggestive: it has been domesticated by totemic Redmen for hunting purposes and by nontotemic Eskimo for drawing sledges that is, its economic use seems to be independent of totemic considerations.

Among the nontotemic Kurnai of Southeast Australia there are animal patrons of the sexes and of shamans and other individuals. In like manner the shamans of the Pacific Coast Haidas and Tlingit have their guardians, and sometimes secret societies are similarly provided; in the winter ceremonies of the Kwakiutl the youth is supposed to be possessed by the patron of the society to which he belongs.

The Osages had a tradition or myth of their descent from animals, but their civil organization was nontotemic they were divided into two groups, termed respectively the Peace Side and the War Side, and the members of the former group took no animal life, though they ate flesh that they obtained from the War Side.

Throughout the East the known facts suggest that a nontotemic organization has followed an earlier form in which quasi-totemic elements are recognizable. +527+. The interesting social organization of the Northern Pacific Coast, on the other hand, appears to be independent of agriculture.

Thus, the magical ceremony for procuring rain, properly the function of the Frog clan, is now in the hands of rain-priests; and the magical, dramatic performances for insuring a supply of food are conducted by nontotemic religious fraternities. The great Snake "dance" may have been originally a totemic ceremony intended to secure rain and corn.