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The exhaustion is, therefore, of the same nature as that from overexertion, but if the nerve-paths connecting the field of operation and the brain be blocked, then there is no discharge of nervous energy from the trauma, and consequently there is no exhaustion, however severe or prolonged the operation may be. Fear is a factor in many injuries and operations.

It has even been maintained that the different feelings and perceptions which are gradually acquired can be apportioned among the individual cells of the brain in which they are localised, and the thought-processes, the associations of percepts, the origin of consecutive ideas, the rapid and easy recalling of memory-images, and the process of voluntary control, of instincts, can be explained as due to thegradual laying down of nerve-pathsbetween the different centres and areas of localisation in the brain.

According to Sherrington, a given receptor has a low threshold for only one, its own specific stimulus, and a high threshold for all others; that is, the doors that guard the nerve-paths to the brain are opened only when the proper password is received.

According to Sherrington's law, the individual as a whole responds to but one stimulus at a time, that is, only one stimulus occupies the nerve-paths which carry the impulses as a result of which acts are performed, i. e., the final common path. As soon as a stronger stimulus reaches the brain it dispossesses whatever other stimulus is then occupying the final common path the path of action.