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Semnopithecus chrysomelas, sexual differences of colour in. Semnopithecus comatus, ornamental hair on the head of. Semnopithecus frontatus, beard etc., of. Semnopithecus nasica, nose of. Semnopithecus nemaeus, colouring of. Semnopithecus rubicundus, ornamental hair on the head of. Senses, inferiority of Europeans to savages in the. Sentinels, among animals.

Martin, W.C.L., on alarm manifested by an orang at the sight of a turtle; on the hair in Hylobates; on a female American deer; on the voice of Hylobates agilis; on Semnopithecus nemaeus. Martin, on the beards of the inhabitants of St. Kilda. Martins deserting their young. Martins, C., on death caused by inflammation of the vermiform appendage. Mastoid processes in man and apes.

I will mention only two other monkeys for their beauty; and I have selected these as presenting slight sexual differences in colour, which renders it in some degree probable that both sexes owe their elegant appearance to sexual selection. I have seen most of the above monkeys in the Zoological Society's Gardens. The description of the Semnopithecus nemaeus is taken from Mr.

The Semnopithecus nemaeus, though peculiarly coloured, is described as extremely pretty; the orange-tinted face is surrounded by long whiskers of glossy whiteness, with a line of chestnut-red over the eyebrows; the fur on the back is of a delicate grey, with a square patch on the loins, the tail and the fore-arms being of a pure white; a gorget of chestnut surmounts the chest; the thighs are black, with the legs chestnut- red.