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The wooden mockup of the design for all the ships in which every possible arrangement of instruments and machinery had been tested out lay neglected by the Shed wall. The four stood before the flight data board. It listed the readings every instrument should show during every instant of the flight.

The powder was very messily mixed with water and smeared lavishly over the now waterproofed wooden mockup of a space ship. It came off again in sections of white plaster, which were numbered and set to dry in warm chambers that were constructed with almost magical speed.

Ten days after Mike's first proposal of concreted steel as a material for space ship construction, the parts of the first casting of the mockup were assembled. They were a mold for the hull of a space ship.

The process had been used only for small objects, but there was the analogy to concrete. A very little powder could weld much metal, in the form of turnings and smaller bits. And the result would be solid steel! Then Mike grew impassioned. There was a wooden mockup of a space ship in the Shed, he said. It was an absolutely accurate replica, in wood, of the ships that had been destroyed.

But Joe finally managed to explain that this call dealt with the desperate need to do something about a space fleet. His father said grimly, "Yes. The situation doesn't look too good right now, Joe." "Try this on for size, sir," said Joe. He outlined Mike's scheme. His father interrupted only to ask crisp questions about the mockup of the tender, already in existence though made of wood.