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This I would propose to call Mixoscopic Zoophilia; it falls within the range of normal variation. Then we have the cases in which the contact of animals, stroking, etc., produces sexual excitement or gratification; this is a sexual fetichism in the narrow sense, and is by Krafft-Ebing termed Zoophilia Erotica.

Animals as Sources of Erotic Symbolism Mixoscopic Zoophilia The Stuff-fetichisms Hair-fetichism The Stuff-fetichisms Mainly on a Tactile Base Erotic Zoophilia Zooerastia Bestiality The Conditions that Favor Bestiality Its Wide Prevalence Among Primitive Peoples and Among Peasants The Primitive Conception of Animals The Goat The Influence of Familiarity with Animals Congress Between Women and Animals The Social Reaction Against Bestiality.

C. Mixoscopic: The vision of climbing, swinging, etc. The acts of urination and defecation. The coitus of animals. Although the three main groups into which the phenomena of erotic symbolism are here divided may seem fairly distinct, they are yet very closely allied, and indeed overlap, so that it is possible, as we shall see, for a single complex symbol to fall into all three groups.

Only Occasionally an Olfactory Fetichism. Comparative Rarity of Coprolagnia. Influence of Nates Fetichism as a Transition to Coprolagnia, Ideal Coprolagnia. Olfactory Coprolagnia. Urolagnia and Coprolagnia as Symbols of Coitus. Animals as Sources of Erotic Symbolism. Mixoscopic Zoophilia. The Stuff-fetichisms. Hair-fetichism. The Stuff-fetichisms Mainly on a Tactile Base. Erotic Zoophilia.