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We may justly say of it, 'Nullum sine nomine saxum. Far over the rising hills of the north bank rose shaggy Cintra, 'the most blessed spot in the habitable globe, with its memorious convent and its Moorish castle.

Not without regret I saw the last of the memorious old castle and of Skopo the picturesque. We ran along the western shore of Cephalonia, the isle of three hundred villages: anyone passing this coast at once understands how Greece produced so many and such excellent seamen.

Yet memorious of their countrymen's great deeds, and depending upon divine protection, they made no doubt of surmounting all difficulties. Mohammed on his part was not idle. He solicited the assistance of the Moslem princes, and by inflaming their religious zeal, obtained a reinforcement of 2000 musqueteers from the Arabs, and a train of artillery from the Turks of Yemen.

But I read, and think I understand, the words of the perfect Purity: "Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more." If people were both observant and memorious, they would cease, I fancy, to be astonished at coincidences. Rightly regarded, the universe is but one coincidence only where will has to be developed, there is need for human play, and room for that must be provided in its spaces.