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There is positive evidence that Joseph was summoned and came to Venice, but there is no record of the interview, except a marginal note written by Joseph himself in an existing copy of Miot de Melito's memoirs, to the effect that Napoleon spoke of the troubles among the members of the royal family of Spain as likely "to produce results which he dreaded." The last word is underscored.

Cureton and attributed to Melito, is not sufficiently authenticated to have value as evidence. It should be noted that Melito's fragments contain nothing especially on the Gospels. Some time between 176-180 A.D. Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis, addressed to the Emperor Marcus Aurelius an apology of which rather more than three lines have come down to us.

At last, tired with family bickerings, he suddenly put an end to them and filled Josephine with joy by telling her that she was to be crowned at Notre Dame. The reader should turn to the curious account in Miot de Melito's Memoirs of the council held at Saint Cloud, November 17, 1804, to arrange the formalities of the coronation.

And these writers extended this method of interpretation to the commonest objects of daily use, even to tools and vessels within reach of all. Thus there was an uninterrupted course of pious teaching. Yves de Chartres tells us that priests instructed the people in symbolism, and from the researches of Dom Pitra we know that in the Middle Ages Saint Melito's treatise was popular and known to all.